Editor’s Introduction | Summer 2024


The Journal of Writing Assessment’s Reading List is thrilled to release our Summer 2024 Issue!

Our reviews in this issue explore two exciting books from the last year that make important contributions to the field of writing studies, and to the area of writing assessment more specifically. These texts have relevance for a range of practitioners, including those in charge of graduate pedagogy or teacher development, as well as writing teachers and WPAs considering ways to build greater equity into how writing is assessed and taught in their classrooms and programs. Reviews of the following texts are represented in this issue:

We are thankful for the energy and hard work of our two reviewers for this issue and we hope their reviews bring renewed attention to these texts and help our readers discover new scholarship to enrich their work.

As always, we are interested in recruiting new reviewers; you can be added to our list by filling out this form. We’re also always interested in recommendations for new texts in writing assessment to review (self-promotion is welcome!); you can contact us at jwareadinglist@gmail.com.


Stacy Wittstock | Assistant Editor, Journal of Writing Assessment | Co-Editor, JWA Reading List | Marist College

Chris Blankenship | Assistant Editor, Journal of Writing Assessment | Co-Editor, JWA Reading List | Salt Lake Community College